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by Corey Hinde

In today’s digital landscape, visibility is vital, especially for a niche profession like human resources consulting.

Recently, we took on a new client looking to establish herself in the Human Resources space – well on Google and the online space I should say… her reputation and skills are well known.

Laura McCabe, trading as Human Collective, is the client.

One of the most effective strategies for gaining online exposure is through guest posting.

This approach not only establishes your authority in the field but also enhances your website’s SEO performance.

Since our job is primarily SEO – rank higher on Google – we’ll be using the Guest Posting strategy outlined here to help her appear on the relevant Google searches that will help her business grow.

You can use this same process for your business!

Quick note – Laura has a deep expertise in “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion“. This is a sub niche of Human Resources, and will likely give her a good topic to get her “foot in the door” so to speak when pitching websites for guest posts.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you secure guest post articles that will elevate your presence as a human resources consultant.


Step 1: Identify Relevant Blogs and Websites

Research Your Niche

Begin by identifying blogs, websites, and industry journals that resonate with your main phrase, “human resources consultant.”

Focus on platforms that regularly feature HR-related content, such as:

  • HR blogs
  • Business websites
  • Entrepreneurial platforms
  • Industry publications

Use SEO Tools

Utilize tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to find websites with a healthy domain authority.

We simply use the Mangools Free Chrome Extension for this research.

Look for ones that frequently publish guest posts and have an audience interested in human resources topics.


Step 2: Create a List of Potential Sites

Compile a list of 15-20 websites where you would like to contribute guest posts.

Make sure to note down:

  • The website’s URL
  • Contact information for the editor or submission guidelines
  • The type of content they typically publish
  • The website’s audience demographic


Step 3: Develop Compelling Content Ideas

Tailor Your Topics

Think about topics that would interest the target audience while incorporating the phrase “human resources consultant.”

Here are some ideas:

  • “Top 5 Qualities to Look for in a Human Resources Consultant”
  • “How a Human Resources Consultant Can Transform Your Workplace Culture”
  • “The Role of a Human Resources Consultant in Talent Acquisition”

Create a Content Outline

Draft a brief outline for each topic, detailing your main points.

This will help convey your expertise and the value you can deliver to the blog’s readers.


Step 4: Craft a Personalized Pitch

Write a Compelling Email

When reaching out to potential sites, personalize each email to increase your chances of acceptance.

Your pitch should include:

  • A brief introduction about yourself and your expertise as a human resources consultant.
  • Specific content ideas tailored to the blog’s audience.
  • A few writing samples or links to your previous work.

Follow Up

If you don’t hear back within a week or two, consider sending a polite follow-up email. Persistence can pay off!


Step 5: Write High-Quality Guest Posts

Follow Guidelines

Once your pitch is accepted, meticulously read the submission guidelines.

Adhere to word counts, formatting requirements, and deadlines.

Add Value

When writing your post, aim to provide actionable insights and relevant information.

Incorporate statistics, case studies, or personal experiences that highlight your expertise.

Optimize for SEO

Integrate your main phrase, “human resources consultant,” naturally within the content—but avoid overstuffing.

Use headings, subheadings, and relevant internal/external links to enhance SEO further.


Step 6: Promote Your Guest Posts

Share on Social Media

Once your guest post goes live, share it on your social media channels to maximize visibility. Engage with your audience by asking for their thoughts and encouraging shares.

Build Relationships

Thank the blog owner and keep the lines of communication open for future opportunities. Building relationships with editors can lead to more guest post offers down the line.


Step 7: Track Your Results

Monitor SEO Performance

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your guest posts. Look for:

  • Referral traffic to your website
  • Engagement metrics (likes, shares, comments)
  • Keyword ranking improvements for “human resources consultant”

Adjust Your Strategy

Analyze what works and what doesn’t.

Adjust your future guest posting strategies to focus on high-performing sites and content types.



Securing guest post articles as a human resources consultant is a powerful way to boost your online visibility and enhance SEO results.

By following these steps, you can effectively position yourself as an authority in the HR field while attracting new clients and opportunities.

Start crafting those pitches today and watch your online presence soar!


Extra Marketing Resources

➡️ YouTube Channel – free Google, SEO, and Google Business Profile tips

➡️ Substack – free resources and articles to help YOU build a better Google presence for your business

➡️ Good Oil Marketing BLOG

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