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The Google Game | Group Workshop


👉 Rank up the top of Google VIA The Google Game – Group Program


🔔Google – the most popular website in the world🔔


So it makes sense to get your business up the top of Google right? 


Elevate your Google Rankings and business outcomes (leads and sales) by booking a spot in our “The Google Game” Group Program. 


👉 This is a 1 month coached program, with marketing coach Corey Hinde taking you through “The Google Game” Package.


👉 Workshop Designed for:

✔️Any Business owner with a website that needs to rank higher.

✔️Any marketer who currently assists businesses with their Google results.


👉 Workshop Details:

  • Next intake starts March 4th 2024
  • Cost is $99 + gst.
  • Program will include recorded videos, tutorials, and 1-1 help.  It’s self paced, with full access to Corey Hinde to assist you.
  • The Program will be held within a private Facebook Group that ONLY paid participants will have access to.
  • Every step of the process will be clearly documented, and easily followed.
  • Corey Hinde will be available to all participants for the entire month of the program.
  • Click the Orange “add to cart” button at the top of this page to reserve your spot now.  There are only 20 spots open for this program. 
  • IMPORTANT – once you pay, please CLICK HERE and join the Facebook Group.  Thanks.


Remember – everyone uses Google to find businesses, you need to work on your Google game!





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