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You might have seen cool graphics like this on the internet before?

That’s Google Search Console, and will help you to learn more about your website’s performance on Google search.

We recommend that all website owners have access to this data – knowing more about your Google performance is the starting point of ranking higher on Google, and getting more business from Google.

It’ll show you things like which pages are ranking well, which terms and phrases you are ranking for, which pages are getting clicks, and trends that will help you understand if your work on your site is useful or not. 

Setting up Google Search Console is a reasonably straightforward process.

We’ll include some website platform specific information further down the page. 

Here are the steps to set up Google Search Console

  1. Go to the Google Search Console homepage:
  1. Click on the “Start Now” button.
  1. Sign in to your usual Google account.
  1. Add your website URL in the provided field and click on “Add Property.”
  1. Verify ownership of the website using one of the available methods (HTML file upload, domain name provider, HTML tag, or Google Analytics).  This step can trip people up – so please check the links below for website builder specific articles.  
  1. Once verified, you will have access to the dashboard of your website’s Google Search Console.

IF you do need assistance, feel free to check out our Marketing Community option HERE, where we provide assistance and help to business owners. 

Some more handy tips from Google HERE.

CRM Specific Help:

Connecting a WordPress Website to your Google Search Console

Tip for WordPress – use your Yoast SEO plug in if you have it

Connecting a Wix Website to your Google Search Console

Connecting a Squarespace Website to your Google Search Console

Connecting a Shopify Website to your Google Search Console

Connecting a Joomla Website to your Google Search Console

Connecting a Drupal Website to your Google Search Console

Connecting a Weebly Website to your Google Search Console

Connecting a Rocketspark Website to your Google Search Console

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