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By Corey Hinde and chatGPT


The goal of this article is to give business owners a framework so that they can use the new tech tools like chatGPT to improve their marketing output.

In our marketing agency, we use chatGPT now to help us in many ways, this is one of them.

☎️ Of course, you can also contact us at Good Oil Digital Marketing for help as well. ☎️

Step 1: Research the Targeted Keyword

– Identify the keyword or topic you want to target in your blog post.

– Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find high-volume and relevant keywords that have the potential to drive traffic.

Step 2: Gather Information and Insights

– Collect information and insights about the keyword or topic.

– Use reputable sources, such as industry publications, research papers, or authoritative websites, to gather relevant data and statistics.

– Identify key points, trends, and unique angles to make your blog post stand out.

Step 3: Prepare a Content Outline

– Create a structured outline for your blog post.

– Divide the content into logical sections or subheadings.

– Outline the main points, supporting details, and any statistics or examples you want to include.

Step 4: Start a Conversation with ChatGPT

– Begin a conversation with ChatGPT by introducing the topic and providing any specific guidelines or requirements.

– For example, you can start with: “I need assistance in creating compelling marketing content for a blog post targeting the keyword ‘[your keyword].’ Could you help me with that?”

Step 5: Ask Questions and Seek Advice

– Pose specific questions to ChatGPT to gather insights and ideas.

– Ask for advice on how to structure the content, what key points to emphasise, or how to make the article more engaging and informative.

– Encourage ChatGPT to generate examples, statistics, or anecdotes to support your arguments.

Step 6: Collaborate and Iterate

– Engage in a back-and-forth conversation with ChatGPT to refine your content.

– Provide feedback and ask ChatGPT to elaborate or clarify certain points.

– Iterate the conversation as needed to ensure the content meets your requirements and aligns with your vision.

Step 7: Review and Edit the Generated Content

– Once you have a substantial conversation with ChatGPT, review the generated content.

– Edit the responses, rephrase sentences, and ensure the content flows smoothly.

– Add your unique perspective, insights, or personal touch to make the content original.

Step 8: Optimise for SEO and Readability

– Use the generated content as a foundation and optimise it for search engines and readability.

– Incorporate the targeted keyword naturally into the content, including the title, headings, and throughout the body.

– Ensure the content is well-structured, easy to read, and includes relevant subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs.

Step 9: Add Visuals and Links

– Enhance your blog post with relevant visuals such as images, infographics, or videos.

– Include authoritative links to support your statements and provide additional resources for readers.

– Make sure the visuals and links complement the content and provide value to the readers.

Step 10: Publish, Promote, and Monitor

– Publish your blog post on your website or blogging platform.

– Share it across your social media channels and engage with your audience.

– Monitor the performance of the blog post using analytics tools to track traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Remember, while ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and generate content, it’s important to review and edit the generated text to ensure accuracy, coherence, and alignment with your brand’s voice and guidelines.

Research your opposition:

Here’s how you can glean information from your competitors to improve your marketing content:

  • Identify Competitors: 
  • Determine who your direct competitors are by searching for keywords related to your industry or topic. Look for websites that consistently rank higher than yours in search engine results.
  • Analyse Content: 
  • Visit your competitors’ websites and examine their blog content. Pay attention to the topics they cover, the depth of their articles, and the quality of their writing. Identify patterns, such as popular topics, content formats, or writing styles they use.
  • Assess SEO Strategies: 
  • Evaluate the SEO strategies employed by your competitors. Look for on-page optimization techniques like keyword usage, meta tags, and internal linking structures. Identify the keywords they are targeting and how they incorporate them into their content.
  • Review Social Media Presence: 
  • Examine your competitors’ social media profiles. Observe the type of content they share, the engagement they receive, and the platforms they prioritise. Note any successful campaigns or strategies they employ to attract and engage their audience.
  • Analyse Backlink Profiles: 
  • Backlinks play a crucial role in search engine rankings. Use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to analyse your competitors’ backlink profiles. Identify the websites that link to them and the type of content that attracts backlinks. This can help you uncover potential content ideas and opportunities for link building.
  • Monitor Engagement Metrics: 
  • Look for engagement metrics such as comments, social media shares, or user interactions on your competitors’ blog posts. Assess the type of content that generates the most engagement and try to understand why it resonates with the audience. This can provide insights into what appeals to your target audience and help you create more engaging content.
  • Stay Updated on Industry Trends: 
  • Keep track of industry trends and news related to your niche. By staying informed, you can identify gaps in your competitors’ content or areas where you can provide unique and valuable insights. This will help you differentiate your content and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Remember, while it’s important to gain insights from your competitors, it’s equally crucial to maintain your own unique voice, perspective, and brand identity. Use the information you gather to enhance your content strategy and create compelling, high-quality content that sets you apart from the competition.

Prep your article for SEO:

Optimising an article for SEO involves several key points to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. Here are some essential factors to consider:

1. Keyword Research: 

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-volume keywords related to your topic. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find suitable keywords that align with your content.

2. On-Page Optimization:

   – Title Tag: Craft a compelling and concise title that includes your target keyword near the beginning.

   – Meta Description: Write a concise and engaging meta description that summarises the content and includes the target keyword.

   – Heading Tags: Use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content and include relevant keywords in your headings.

   – URL Structure: Create descriptive and keyword-rich URLs that are readable and include the target keyword.

   – Keyword Placement: Incorporate your target keyword naturally throughout the content, including in the introduction, headings, and body paragraphs.

   – Content Length: Aim for comprehensive, in-depth content that provides value to readers. Longer articles tend to perform better in search rankings.

3. Quality Content:

   – Originality: Create unique and original content that offers a fresh perspective or provides valuable insights.

   – Readability: Write in a clear, concise, and reader-friendly manner. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to improve readability.

   – User Intent: Understand the search intent behind the target keyword and ensure your content satisfies that intent. Answer users’ questions and provide relevant information.

   – Engaging and Informative: Make your content engaging by using visuals, examples, statistics, and storytelling techniques. Offer practical advice or actionable tips that readers can benefit from.

4. Internal and External Linking:

   – Internal Links: Include relevant internal links within your content to guide readers to other pages on your website. This helps search engines understand the structure of your site and improves user navigation.

   – External Links: Link to reputable and authoritative sources that support your claims or provide additional information. This adds credibility to your content and improves its value.

5. Mobile-Friendliness: 

Ensure your article and website are mobile-friendly, as mobile optimization is crucial for SEO. Use responsive design, optimise images, and test the mobile version of your site for usability.

6. Page Speed: 

Optimise your article and website for fast loading times. Compress images, minimise code, and use caching techniques to improve page speed, as it is a ranking factor in search algorithms.

7. Social Sharing: 

Encourage social sharing by including social media sharing buttons in your article. When your content gets shared and linked to on social platforms, it can enhance visibility and potentially improve search rankings.

Remember, while optimising for SEO is important, prioritise creating high-quality, valuable, and engaging content for your audience. Strive for a balance between SEO best practices and delivering a great user experience.

How to get chatGPT to personalise an article

To ask ChatGPT to personalise your writing, you can provide specific details, preferences, or examples to guide its responses. Here are a few strategies you can use:

1. Introduce Yourself: 

Start the conversation by sharing a brief introduction about yourself or your brand. 

Provide relevant details such as your industry, target audience, or unique selling points. For example, you can say, “I’m a content writer for a fitness blog targeting young adults who want to stay active. Can you help me personalise my writing for this audience?”

2. Provide Specific Instructions: 

Clearly state what you’re looking for and the specific aspects you want to personalise. For example, you can say, “I’m writing a product description for a utensils business. Can you help me personalise it by highlighting the natural ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and the brand’s commitment to sustainability?”

3. Share Examples or Guidelines: 

If you have existing content or specific writing samples that reflect your desired style, share them with ChatGPT. You can say, “I want my writing to have a conversational tone, similar to this blog post [link]. Can you help me personalise my content accordingly?”

4. Request Creative Suggestions: 

Ask ChatGPT for creative suggestions or ideas to make your writing more personalised. For example, you can say, “I want to add a personal touch to my fruit and vegetable blog. Can you suggest unique experiences or anecdotes that I can incorporate into my articles?”

5. Provide Feedback and Iterate: 

Engage in a back-and-forth conversation with ChatGPT and provide feedback on its responses. If the generated text doesn’t meet your personalization requirements, politely explain what you’re looking for and ask for alternative suggestions or examples.

6. Specify Brand Voice and Tone: 

If you have a specific brand voice or tone that you want to maintain, communicate it to ChatGPT. Whether it’s professional, friendly, authoritative, or playful, let ChatGPT know the desired style so it can generate responses accordingly.

Remember that ChatGPT may not have knowledge of your specific brand or personal experiences, so it’s important to review and customise the generated text to align with your unique perspective, values, and brand identity. Providing clear instructions and examples will help ChatGPT better understand your personalization needs and deliver more tailored responses.

More ways chatGPT can be used to create marketing content

ChatGPT can be used in various ways to create marketing content beyond personalised writing. Here are some additional ways you can leverage ChatGPT for marketing purposes:

1. Brainstorming Ideas: 

Engage in a conversation with ChatGPT to generate fresh and creative ideas for marketing campaigns, content topics, slogans, or promotional strategies. You can ask questions like, “What are some unique marketing ideas for a new product launch?” or “How can I make my social media content more engaging?” or “I need some marketing ideas for my photography business”.

2. Crafting Ad Copy: 

Use ChatGPT to help you develop compelling ad copy for various marketing channels such as social media ads, Google Ads, or email campaigns. Provide context and guidelines, and ask ChatGPT to generate attention-grabbing headlines, persuasive copy, or call-to-action phrases.

3. Creating Social Media Content: 

ChatGPT can assist you in creating engaging social media content. Ask for help in generating captions, crafting witty responses, or coming up with ideas for viral content. You can also seek assistance in planning social media content calendars and scheduling posts.

4. Generating Landing Page Content: 

Landing pages are crucial for lead generation and conversions. Collaborate with ChatGPT to develop persuasive landing page copy that highlights key benefits, features, and calls-to-action. Ask for guidance on structuring the content and addressing potential customer pain points.

5. Conducting Market Research: 

ChatGPT can help you gather market insights by providing information on industry trends, consumer preferences, or competitor analysis. Ask questions about market dynamics, customer behaviour, or emerging technologies to gain a better understanding of your target audience.

6. Drafting Email Campaigns: 

Engage in a conversation with ChatGPT to create email marketing campaigns. Request assistance in writing engaging subject lines, compelling email introductions, or persuasive offers. You can also ask for suggestions on segmenting your email lists or personalising your email content.

7. Exploring Content Formats: 

Experiment with different content formats by discussing ideas with ChatGPT. Ask for suggestions on creating videos, podcasts, infographics, or interactive content that align with your marketing goals and resonate with your target audience.

8. Answering Customer Queries: 

Use ChatGPT to assist with customer support by generating responses to common customer queries or FAQs. This can help provide timely and accurate information to your customers, improving their experience and satisfaction.

Remember, while ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance, it’s essential to review and edit the generated content to ensure accuracy, brand consistency, and compliance with your guidelines. Utilise ChatGPT as a collaborative tool to enhance your marketing efforts and unleash your creativity.

Resources and Links:

➡️ How to improve your Local Ranking on Google – a Google article

➡️ How to get in the Google 3 Pack

Extra Marketing Resources

➡️ YouTube Channel – free Google, SEO, and Google Business Profile tips

➡️ Substack – free resources and articles to help YOU build a better Google presence for your business

➡️ Good Oil Marketing BLOG

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