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Google Business Profile verification can be frustrating!

By Corey Hinde | SEO New Zealand

Are you FRUSTRATED by the time it’s taking Google to verify your Google Business Profile listing? 

Here are a few questions that have come across my desk in the last few weeks….

► “How do I verify my Google Business Profile account?”

► “Can I fastrack the Google Verify my Business process?”

► “Where do I enter my Google business verification code?”

► “How long does it take to verify my Google My Business listing?”

People are annoyed and frustrated about this at the moment!

Read on, to find out why it’s such an issue, get some clarity about the situation & figure out what to do about it.

However you came to create a Google Business Profile listing, you’re sitting there twiddling your thumbs & checking the mail, wondering what happened to your verification postcard. 

When you apply for GBP verification, Google indicates a 15 day timeframe for the postcard to arrive. 

This is a best case scenario, however, I have had it arrive in that timeframe…. only twice, after submitting dozens of listings!

So, what is going on?  

Ever since COVID first hit, the time frames for getting your listing approved blew out.

It was as simple as – fewer Google staff in the offices as people worked from home and therefore the system slowed down, even though in theory, that should not have been the case.

Needless to say, Google sending out postcards took a backseat.

Google hasn’t openly communicated this… 

Well, not directly. 

You only get a hint of what’s going on, when you submit any request to them for support – even then, it’s vague and doesn’t clear things up…

The ability to talk to people and get real input certainly changed. 


How long is it really taking?

It varies.

Here in New Zealand, it’s taking up to 3 months (in some cases, longer) to get verified. 

Which begs the question, “why aren’t Google using alternative methods to verify businesses?” 

Well, they ARE using video verification, sms, and calls, but these only apply to some not all businesses.  Most are still left battling the postcard situation. 

While it’s a great question, I’ll direct you right back to the main issue – a lack of bums on seats at Google’s offices. 

So what do you do?

In rare cases, you can follow a process to verify via a video call.

To get to this, you have to hunt through the support section of GBP to apply for an appointment. 

That said, even with an appointment, it’s 50/50 whether the representative from Google will show up to the call.

You also have the option to supply photo / document evidence of your business, in an attempt to verify your business.

Unfortunately, it’s the same situation as above. The promise of a response within 48hrs – then nothing.

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Advice for Google Business Profile verification in 2022. 

You wait. I’m really sorry


That said, you can’t be totally passive in this situation.

Verification requests expire after 6 weeks… So, you have to keep a close eye on your listing, to see if your request requires renewal.

You’ll know it’s time to apply for a new verification when your listing status changes from “Pending Verification” to “Verification Required”

One thing we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks is the ability to request a phone verification code.

This seemed to happen after 5-6 re verification attempts. Something to look out for. 

Certainly worth a try, we have seen it work.

Keep in mind for your verification attempts – Postcards will eventually arrive. 

However, you may find the code you receive doesn’t work. This is because when you re-apply, any previous code is invalidated.

You also only have 3 attempts to verify… A very sticky situation.

When you receive a verification code that doesn’t work, it’s very tempting to hit the button below the code entry section that invites you to apply for a new code.

If you’ve re-verified only a short time ago, hitting this will lengthen the process, by resetting the clock & invalidating the last code…


Why does Google verify with a postcard?

Google takes the business of providing the best & most relevant search results VERY seriously!

Therefore it’s imperative that the verification process weeds out the fakers and scammers out there on the internet. 

Google’s goal is to become the most reputable business directory on the internet – so verification is an important part of that goal. 

Google sends a postcard to verify the address of a given business as a way to ensure their maps product, which dovetails into the GBP product directly, is as relevant and up to date as possible. 

A note on verification. 

With the above said, if you change the address of your business, you’ll have to go through the verification process again. 

If you know you’re moving premises and you know where to, it’s a great idea to get ahead of the verification and begin the process as soon as you’re able to receive mail at your new building. 

I’d suggest hedging your bets and getting ahead of this early, owing to the time it’s taking to verify right now.

Verification – not just protecting Google’s reputation. 

A client asked “why is verification via postcard? You’d think a tech giant would have a better way…?”

The verification process not only protects Google’s precious search result crown, but it also protects local businesses. 

Think about it like this. 

You’re a small business selling boutique beer bottle openers. A business in China also produces boutique beer bottle openers & wants to enter your market. 

The other business applies for a Google verification in your locality, and is unable to compete directly on Google Business Profile in your local market, because of the current process. 

Thanks Google.

While you wait…

While you wait by the mailbox, – here are my tips to keep yourself occupied.

1 – Sort out your Bullseye Phrase – The phrase you aim to dominate on GBP when you’re verified. You’ll use this in your posts, photo tagging and business description. More about your Bullseye Phrase HERE on YouTube.

2 – Create content to add to your listing. Images and video are the oxygen of your Google Business Profile listing, so start creating in preparation for launch!

Here is the video we get our clients to watch to learn more about content creation.

3 – Create posts on your other social platforms, to get in tune with your audience. You can use the data gained from this, to create better content for your GBP posts.

4 – Put time into your “main offer” – The main thing you’ll attract customers with, when they find you on Google.

Eventually, you’ll get the Willy Wonker golden ticket in the mailbox & your verification code will unlock your GBP listing!

Time to put the above into action!

Thanks for reading – feel free to reach out HER


“How can I optimize my listing to get it ranking higher once it’s verified?”

We’ve written about this a lot – our easiest and best blog post to start with is HERE.

“I’m getting Google Reviews but they aren’t showing up?”

Yep, that’s not unusual. We’ve uncovered the reasons behind that on this YouTube video HERE.

“How do I get more Google Reviews?”

This article HERE works through our favourite 13 methods.

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